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How to Build a Conversion Funnel for Better Customer Journey

How to Build a Conversion Funnel for Better Customer Journey


As the marketplace has become more competitive, customer loyalty and retention have become critical factors in success.

In this piece, we'll look at what conversion funnels are and how they influence your client's journey. Then you'll figure out how to optimize your funnel conversion rate by increasing the number of people who make it to the bottom.

What is a Sales Funnel or Conversion?

Conversion Funnel

A conversion funnel, also known as a sales funnel, is a key idea in sales that describes the journey your consumers take before making a purchase from your company. It explains all the touchpoints where your customers connect with your brand before completing a purchase.

You can think of a conversion funnel as the steps of the buyer's journey from the moment they land on your landing page to the moment they make a purchase. What is the best way to make a conversion funnel? Let’s take a look.

Customer Journey Maps

A customer journey map (also known as the buyer journey)  is a visual representation of the customer's journey. It enables you to tell the story of your customer's interactions with your brand at every touchpoint. Whether your consumers communicate with you through social media, email, live chat, or other channels, visualizing the customer journey ensures that no one falls through the cracks. Let’s have a look at some of the most popular models.

Three-Stage Marketing Funnel and Conversions

Three-Stage Marketing Funnel

The typical funnel model, which starts at the top and works its way down, is a classic model used by sales teams to determine where their prospects convert. From a marketing standpoint, the marketing funnel is a visual representation of the process of converting leads into customers. Marketers cast a wide net to gather as many leads as possible, then nurture prospects through the buying process, narrowing down candidates at each stage.


  • Awareness: Awareness is the top stage of the marketing funnel.  Potential clients arrive at this stage as a result of marketing campaigns, as well as consumer research and discovery, to bring people to your website. Attract them via high-quality blog posts direct mail, viral campaigns, social media, search engine optimization, media mentions, and other methods.
  • Consideration: Leads have been converted into marketing qualified leads and are now considered potential clients in the consideration stage. Marketers may use automated email campaigns to provide prospects with more information about products and offers while continuing to nurture them with relevant content, case studies, free trials, sign up for your newsletter, and more. 
  • Conversion: The final phase in the marketing funnel is when a prospect decides to buy something and becomes a customer. If your prospects are familiar with your brand, use a discount coupon for first-time buyers to persuade them to make a purchase.


The AIDA Model, sometimes known as a "purchase funnel," depicts the cognitive stages that a person goes through while purchasing a product or service. It's based on four basic buying structures: awareness, interest, desire, and action.

  • Attention/ Awareness: Make use of strong words or a visual to draw the reader's attention. In addition to blog posts and social media, you may use targeted ads to draw people to your website.
  • Interest: One of the most challenging steps of the AIDA model is piquing the attention of prospects in your product by exhibiting the services. Case studies can be used to show how your product has helped other businesses.
  • Desire: Consumers are interested in the product or service at this point, and your prospects like you; now it's up to you to persuade them to work with you.  Obtain their trust and form an emotional bond. Continue to provide them with information that helps them to see how your product will fit into their lives and why they need it.
  • Action: This is your opportunity to urge them to reconsider their decision. One method is to offer a free Ebook, trial, or tool in exchange for clients' contact information on a form. You may make them a special offer if your goal is to persuade them to buy something. 

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Conversion Funnel Optimization

Conversion Funnel Optimization

The ultimate goal of any conversion funnel should be to increase conversion rates. To put it another way, the goal should be to move someone from prospect to final action in as few steps as possible.

Consider how to provide each consumer with exactly what they want at each stage of the funnel to effectively optimize. Here's something to think about at each step of the customer journey.

1. TOFU: Awareness

Focus on keeping track of your attempts to generate leads for your business. Examine your methods for generating new leads. Compare each customer-acquisition channel (for example, social media, search engines, your blog, and paid marketing) to see which one receives the most visitors.

If you're not sure how your customers found you, send them a survey. Look for patterns in how people find new businesses, and spend more time on the channels that work best for you.  Simply make sure you're attracting people that fit your desired demographic.

2. MOFU: Consideration

You've attracted potential consumers to the middle of your funnel; now it's up to you to keep them flowing down.

Consider how customers learn about your organization and interact with your website if you're having trouble with this stage. Would you like to be added to your mailing list? Do you have content that is both relevant and rich? Do you provide pricing and information about your products? Is it simple to acquire answers to questions?

Depending on your barriers, consider the below ideas for improvement:

  • Product videos and photos
  • FAQ page
  • Case studies, or blog posts
  • Newsletter capture
  • Discounts
  • Check pages for loading speed and broken elements

3. BOFU: Conversion

This is the final step in the conversion of potential buyers into customers To encourage them to complete the conversion process,  you should remove as much friction as feasible.

To get the most out of this stage of your funnel, make sure your product or service pages are completely filled out with engaging descriptions, videos, and photographs.

As a result, after your customers have finished the funnel, offer them to participate in a new webinar series, download extra templates, send promos, and follow you on social media, among other things.

Final Thoughts

It’s time to get to work on your conversion funnel now that you realize how important it is to run a thriving online business. Make a list of your company's goals. Concentrate your efforts on your main opponents and make necessary changes to your strategy.

We hope the above information and suggestions help you increase the efficiency of your sales funnel. If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to the Straight Growth blog feed so that you can receive future posts on your feed reader.

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